Category: General

What Is The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)?

RLI is a grassroots coalition of Rotary districts implementing a leadership development program for “potential” leaders of Rotary CLUBS. Established in 1992, RLI has become a worldwide organization with divisions in every Continent of the world. While it is an unofficial program of Rotary International, it has substantial support of a number of past Rotary International Presidents and current, past and incoming R.I. Directors. (See Senior Leaders Advisory Board under Organizational Information). The R.I. Board has adopted a resolution recommending RLI or similar programs to the districts and the Council on Legislation has twice recommended RLI to the Board.

RLI believes that excellent CLUB leadership (all types of club leaders) is essential to the future of Rotary in a complex and fast changing world. Most Rotarians have not been exposed to the great scope of Rotary around the world and have not considered what leadership skills are necessary to move Rotary forward.

RLI strongly believes that a good Rotary Club leader must know the evolution of Rotary, its current status and activities in the world and have a vision for what Rotary can be in the future. Therefore, RLI provides a three day non-consecutive basic course in both Rotary knowledge and leadership skills, especially for voluntary organizations. In addition to the specific leadership skills sessions, all the RLI sessions have a leadership component.

In addition to the basic three day course, RLI holds in-depth seminars on important Rotary subjects, including leadership, for the “graduates” of the basic course.

The mission of RLI is to have the clubs in the member districts identify those with the potential for future club leadership and send them to RLI courses at club expense. All member clubs may send any club Rotarian to RLI courses and any Rotarian may attend any course at his/her own initiative.

The overriding goal of the courses for club Rotarians is to create ENTHUSIASM for Rotary by opening up to them the world of Rotary outside of their own clubs and also showing them the great potential of Rotary service for the benefit of the world that can be furthered with excellent leadership in our clubs.

RLI is a general education program, while most Rotary International training programs are “job-specific”; that is R.I. trains Rotarians for specific positions. RLI is not a PETS or any other district training program, but graduates of RLI bring a greatly enhanced background in Rotary when they later attend job-specific programs.

Programs & Courses

The RLI Program

The Rocky Mountain Rotary Leadership Institute conducts over 10 events each year within the various population areas of our Districts and states. The program consists of the separate sessions, Part I, Part II, and Part III. Attendees progress through the three part on separate days and complete the program at their own pace.

Each session is highly interactive and, therefore, contains a minimum of lecturing and provides lots of opportunity for participants to share their experience and ideas. The sessions are led by Rotary leaders who have been trained in the facilitation techniques that maximize the learning experience. A general list of subjects is shown below.

Part I

  • My Leadership in Rotary
  • My Rotary World
  • Ethics & Vocational Service
  • Foundation I:  Our Foundation
  • Engaging Members
  • Creating Service Projects

Part II

  • Rotary Opportunities
  • Effective Leadership:  Coalition Building
  • Attracting Members
  • Club Communication
  • Team Building
  • Foundation II:  Targeted Service

Part III

  • Planning for Success (Strategic Planning)
  • Foundation III:  International Service
  • Public Image and Public Relations
  • Building a Stronger Club
  • Making a Difference

RLI recommends a curriculum and provides all outlines, etc. to all its divisions. The curriculum has been continually revised and upgraded over the years. Because of the growth of RLI, it is expected that major revisions will be recommended every three years in order to give divisions a sufficient opportunity to orient their faculty members and to provide translations where necessary. All important changes of R.I. or the Foundation are provided annually to all divisions. All curriculum materials and all available translations are posted on the RLI materials website available to all members.

The RLI Curriculum Committee meets annually and all divisions are requested to provide suggestions for revision and improvement based on their own experiences. Any division may send representatives to the meetings of the Curriculum Committee.

Why should I attend RLI?

It’s no secret—managing all the things you have to do as an adult is a challenge. From doing your best on the job to taking care of yourself (and, if you have them, your kids) to trying to see friends and stay sane, we know you’ve got a lot on your plate. You love your Rotary meetings and service projects. You have worked them into your schedule.

We can hear you now! “Now you want me to go to another set of days away from my family for Rotary.”

Think of RLI this way —

Join us for a set of seminars on how to effectively build leaders in your club. Facilitators will share experiences and knowledge on how to move beyond simply managing to truly leading your club by building effective leaders. These seminars will provide the basics on powerful strategies you can use to boost morale and energize your club.

Then —

Receive a certificate that shows your employer you have completed the course. RLI training is a set of dynamic skills that translate to work environments. Use these skills to get ahead at work.

» Leadership Development
» Strategic Planning
» Improving Communication
» Exchange of Ideas
» Team Building
» Public Relations
» International Perspectives
» Member Engagement
» Service Project Leadership
» Rotary Knowledge